viernes, 28 de marzo de 2014

Historical Chart The Romans

Historical Chart

The Celts
The Romans
The Anglo-Jutes
The Vikings
The Norman Conquest
England and Wales
The Acts of Union
Queen Victoria

The Roman Britain

•The Romans occupied Britain from around 55BC to AD410 and there are many signs of the occupation still visible today at archaeological sites and Roman roads and walls stretching across the countryside.

Julius Caesar came to Britain in 55BC and 54BC, defeating some of the local Celtic tribes and introducing taxes and establishing trade. When, in AD43, this was under threat, the emperor Claudius ordered an invasion and southern Britain became Britannia, a province of the Roman Empire which was ruled by a Roman governor.


•In AD78 the governor Agricola brought Wales under Roman control, but failed to conquer the Picts and other Scottish tribes in the north. The emperor Hadrian visited Britain in AD122 and after that Hadrian’s Wall, much of which can still be seen today, was built between Newcastle-upon-Tyne and Bowness marking the northern frontier of the province.

•The Romans founded over 20 large towns called coloniae, including Colchester which was built as the new capital, Gloucester and Lincoln. 

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